PureBallast stops the spread of invasive species

PureBallast is an example of the power of partnership. The innovative purification technology prevents the spread of both invasive species and dangerous chemicals in the world’s oceans.

On 8 September 2017, the UN International Ballast Water Convention entered into force. The convention entailed stricter rules on the management of ballast water to prevent the spread of invasive species.

As a result of the requirements of the Convention, many purified their ballast water with dangerous chemicals. Soya Group believes in upstream solutions, ie solving environmental challenges at the source without creating new problems. Therefore, Wallenius was looking for a solution that could stop the spread of invasive species without adding dangerous chemicals. The answer was in UV technology, which has long been used in municipal and industrial water treatment.

How does it work?

UV-C radiation reacts with the bacteria’s DNA and prevents the cells from multiplying. The radiation is actually pure energy that penetrates some materials, but collides and reacts photochemically with others. A photochemical reaction occurs when a substance is charged by light, so-called excited, and then attacks nearby substances or itself to get rid of the energy it has received from the light.

Partnership with Alfa Laval

PureBallastWallenius adapted the technology to vessels in close collaboration with Alfa Laval in the development of the ballast water purifier PureBallast.

PureBallast was the first UV system to receive full approval from the global, independent certification organisation DNV and IMO. Today, PureBallast is sold and marketed by Alfa Laval.

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