Social responsibility

Ever since the time of Olof Wallenius, consideration for staff, business partners and our surroundings has been great. The activities are characterised by the same point of view today. Our commitment and support focus on three primary areas: disaster relief, support for medical activities and support for children and young people. What’s more, the Group’s different companies are involved in a number of other areas, such as the environment, technical development and education. Some of our projects are presented below:

The Royal Opera

Wallenius Lines is a partner of the Royal Swedish Opera and has been supporting the pedagogical work of “Young People at the Opera” in schools since 2015. The focus of “Young People at the Opera” is to promote the integration of art in schools and thereby contribute to the positive development of children, classes and schools.

Pocket Format makes Opera Accessible

Karolinska University Hospital

Thanks to a large donation from Wallenius Lines at the beginning of the 2000s, the Karolinska University Hospital was able to acquire two modern surgical robots. These were initially used for heart surgery and then moved to the Urology Department for surgery on, for example, prostate cancer. In 2013, a second large donation was made to the Karolinska University Hospital, enabling them to acquire a further two robotically-assisted surgery systems.

Disaster relief

For many years, different companies in the Group have supported a number of aid organisations. Following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, we coordinated this aid and now make annual donations in the name of Wallenius Lines to the various disaster relief funds of Save the Childrenthe Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières. The funds need money and we feel that these organisations are better placed to decide when, how and for which disasters the money is used.

Swedish Sea Rescue Society

Our involvement with the voluntary organisation SSRS has a long history and is just as extensive today. Over the years, we have supplemented the Swedish Sea Rescue Society’s fleet with two sea rescue cruisers, the Signe Wallenius and the Olof Wallenius, stationed at Öregrund Sea Rescue Station and Falkenberg Sea Rescue Station respectively. A few years ago, sea rescue operations at Lake Mälaren were expanded with the hovercraft Mats Kleberg, which can be used all year round.

Raoul Wallenberg Academy

Wallenius Lines and the Mats Kleberg Foundation has supported the Raoul Wallenberg Academy since 2015, to strengthen youth to stand up for human rights and act with civil courage. Focus has been to support different school and youth projects, e.g. KUB project and the Raoul Wallenberg Day. Soya Group also provide the platform for the RWA TV channel:


The Group’s co-workers have been involved for some years as teachers and supervisors on board m/s Shamrock, a small vessel that for 40 years has arranged summer sailing trips for young people. Through annual financial support and targeted donations, Wallenius Marine has enabled these youth activities and sailings to continue.

Hässelby Hem’s local involvement

As the owner and manager of a large number of properties, it is important to get involved locally. In a number of very valuable collaborations, we help support children and youth via, for example, Läxhjälpen and Hässelby Athletics’ summer camp in Hässelby.

Our projects within social responsibility