During the 28 days at sea, hundreds of 15-to-20 year-olds have learnt about sea, sailing and life.
“We often say that they board as one person and sign off as somebody else. And some of the participants even become tomorrow’s seamen,” says Kristoffer Strandfeldt, in charge of activities at Skeppsholmsgården.
Every year, Wallenius Lines offers financial support to the MS Shamrock project. This has given the youth activities and the sailing tours a chance to continue.
“We would not have survived without the support of Wallenius. The money is extremely important. But so are the volunteers among the Group’s co-workers, who join the sailing tours and teach the kids everything from how to socialise in groups to how to navigate a ship. When MS Shamrock was last in the dock, we even consulted a ship engineer for some technical advice.”
Wallenius Lines has also provided survival suits and other safety equipment. “The support we get is extremely valuable. It also shows that there is a focus on sustainability within the Group. An investment in youth is an investment in the future, and Wallenius sees that this can be a way of finding tomorrow’s marine officers.”
Anyone of the right age can apply to take part in the summer sailing tours on board MS Shamrock. “Age 15 to 20 is an important time in life when you go from being a child to becoming an adult. You don’t need to be causing trouble or be a lost soul to sail with us, but some of our participants are introduced to us through the Red Cross. Last summer, we had three unaccompanied refugees on board. For them, it was a good way to integrate with other kids. This summer, two of them are back as leaders, which is great.”
The varied business activities of Soya Group have opened up the opportunity to offer the possibility to sail on MS Shamrock to the tenants of the Group Real Estate company Hässelby Hem. They recieved a discount on the fee, which was very appreciated.