About Stud & Farm


Menhammar Stud is one of the most successful and classic stud farms in Sweden. It runs its business with the most care for animals, people and nature. Menhammar breeds, trains, races and sells first-class trotting horses.

For more than 70 years, the Menhammar grounds have been home for this successful business, but the farm dates from several centuries back in history. For 800 years, the land at Menhammar has been farmed. The attractive location near the water, the closeness to the city and the fertile soil has made Menhammar a most suitable place for horse breeding and agriculture.

A the stud, which is the core of Menhammar’s business, there are some 70 brood mares with foal, some 80 1-year-olds and a number of stallions. There is a total of 300 horses on the farm.

At the training facilities Yttersta, trainer Pasi Aikio conducts first-class training and racing activities for both Menhammar-bred horses and others. A total of 55 persons work at Menhammar Stud.

Read more at the Menhammar Stud website


The Menhammar Farm conducts sustainable agriculture and thriving nature management to maintain and develop Menhammar Stud. A unique collaboration between agriculture and nature management, makes it possible to enhance the biological diversity on our land and we constantly take steps towards fossil-free farming.

At Menhammar Farm we work with sustainable development of wood and land. We strive to become fossil-free and we are on the way with the help of latest technology as well as collaborations with others in the field.

Some 15 persons work at Menhammar Farm. The grounds compile of 1,800 sq hectares on the islands of Ekerö, Munsö and Adelsö outside of Stockholm.

  • 870 hectares productive woodland
  • 580 hectares for farming. The produce is used for the farm animals at Menhammar Stud
  • 320 hectares of pastures for the some 50 cows, 20 sheep and 300 horses.

Menhammar Farm has an exciting history as its ownership was shifted between the crown and the church for centuries. Since 1947, the farm is owned by the Wallenius-Kleberg family and is today a part of Soya Group.

Read more on the Menhammar Farm website